Our Story

From as early as she can remember, Ausganica’s visionary founder, Moreen Liao, associated plants (especially their scent), with all the best things in life: the love and security of her family, health, happiness, and inner joy.
Moreen’s grandfathers were both herbalists, and she grew up with natural remedies that proved effective time and again for whatever ailed her family. It was early evidence for the young student of the effectiveness of plants.
Her family’s large garden was a kaleidoscope of blossoms and herbs, and the ginger plant was her favourite. The wafting scent of its fleeting white blossoms comforted her as she swung on her swing on summer days, pushed by loved ones.
After moving into the city for high school, Moreen rationally understood the value of having “living plants” around her. After experiencing what it was like to be separated from nature, she began to buy seasonal flowers for her room each week. She would choose only one variety at a time, so she could get to know it intimately. With the blooms’ subtle aromatics surrounding her again, she felt complete.
Moreen’s profound connection to the natural world, residing deep in her heart, would eventually manifest in Ausganica. With meticulous attention to every element and detail of her product formulations, Moreen is re-creating that connection to the diverse botanical realm for her clients.
Inspired By An Australian Lifestyle
While studying business and design in Taiwan at a prestigious university, Moreen had an opportunity to visit Australia. It was an experience that would alter the course of her life.
She felt energized by Australia’s endless clear skies and boundless stretches of arid green-gold landscapes, and she was struck by how people valued their families and quality-of-life, over their material interests. She observed that people felt free to choose their own lifestyles, and that given the opportunity, they sought balance. The seed of a company that would make these people’s lives easier, began to sprout.
Moreen followed her inspiration, and her passions. While still at university, she started a soapmaking and handmade cosmetics company, which she later sold at a profit. This was her first introduction to essential oils and ingredient formulation.
A few years after graduation, she moved to Australia, and starting working in the natural beauty industry. At the same time, she studied herbal medicine, and became a Certified Aromatherapist.
Her experiences in Australia reaffirmed her early belief that humans should live in harmony with nature, and it ultimately inspired Moreen to name her brand, Ausganica, which stands for “Australian Organic Care.”
Her goal for the brand is to maximize the potential of organic living. Her desire is that clients choose to buy from Ausganica because it accords with their values, and how they want to live.
A Quest For Excellence
Before founding her company, Moreen spent a decade working for an Australian multinational cosmetics supplier and contract manufacturer, where she regularly designed products—even entire product ranges—for clients, according to their specifications. This company carried huge varieties of herbal medicines and aromatic oils.
She noticed how brands often took shortcuts when it came to ingredient quality, potency, and price. Often, it was just about getting something on the label that looked good. Feeling dissatisfied, she would challenge herself to imagine what the very best formulations would be, if time, money, and the desire for excellence had no limits.
Only the best would mean eschewing cheap water and chemical-based fillers, as well as anything harmful to the body or planet, and packing her product formulations with as many high quality actives as she could fit. It also meant drawing from her TCM background, as well as Ayurveda and Aromatherapy systems, to map out an entirely exclusive approach to organic care.
Moreen was aware of the reputation of natural products at that time. They were seen as ineffective, but she was determined to prove it could be done. Moreen was among the early innovators of organic regulations in Australia, and she committed to follow them with Ausganica.
In 2008, when she was ready to begin, she drew on her extensive network of skincare experts, herbalists, hair specialists, growers, and suppliers of quality organic and natural ingredients, to transform her vision into reality.
When Moreen could not find anyone willing to manufacture for Ausganica in a way that met her exacting standards, she established her own exclusive facility, and certified it organic.
Manufacturing in-house is a true rarity in the industry, but it affords Moreen the freedom to be herself. She is able to verify the exact quality and source of each ingredient, formulate and innovate as she sees fit, and whole-heartedly guarantee compliance with the brand’s three—yes three—certified organic regulators.
Worry-Free Beauty
Moreen likes to talk about the consequences of how we choose our cosmetics, because our skin, and our senses, are absorbing whatever we expose them to.
For example, when we shower, our skin is consuming our shampoo and body wash, and our noses are intensely inhaling vapours into our lungs, which then circulates throughout our internal organs.
If you are using chemical and synthetic products—instead of the relaxing, pampering, spa experience you thought you were getting—your daily cleansing and beauty rituals could be detrimental to your health without your realizing it.
With Ausganica, you never have to worry if your “food” is safe to “eat.” With our hair and skin superfoods, you can feel comforted and soothed, worry-free, and at one with nature. Isn’t this how it should be?